About Me

Welcome to my blog. My name is Norma and I an a single mother of two beautiful kids who has a passion for helping others. My full time job is as a HR Director for a major retailer but at the heart of everything, I enjoy motivating others and inspiring them to be the best version of themselves.

I come from a challenging background and have overcome many obstacles in my life including being a cancer survivor while raising a family and getting an education. I have endured struggles with depression and anxiety throughout my life and feel proud to say that as of the last year, I have had some clarity come my way and open the creative flood gates which has allowed me to charter a voyage into entrepreneurship and writing. So you are the first to experience the writing aspect and I look forward to sharing my stories with you as well as my life learnings. Along the way I will also point you towards some of the most inspirational people I have been able to learn from over the last few years. These individuals have at some moment in time, delivered a message to me which sparked some clarity or understanding in me to move forward to crush the next goal or overcome that stalling obstacle. Motivational leaders who have helped me find my strength and help me let go of the past to help attract the best of what the universe has to offer.

I hope you enjoy reading through my posts and please feel free to drop me a line or comment. Please keep it positive as this is a positive space and negativity does not live here anymore. If you do not find value in what I write, I respect that and ask you to do so as well.

Happy reading Ambition Freak Family! Buckle up and let the healing and motivation begin.